I help organizations create happier, healthier more productive people who thrive inside and outside the workplace
- Matt MArney
I worked in the corporate setting shortly after graduating from University and I experienced first hand burnout and how a lack of support within an organisation can impact mental health. I left the advertising agency I worked for to face one the of the most challenging periods of my life in terms of a battle with my own mental health. I understand the darkness
Every cloud has a silver lining and I ended up moving into the fitness space and I have found my true calling but what I noticed after training hundreds of clients over many years was that the same challenges I faced where still happening and the same misconceptions around health and well-being were as prevalent.
I realized that educating one client at a time wasn’t enough and that the workplace was the best place to help people adopt better habits. People spend the majority of their time at work and their peers are the ones who will influence behaviour most
I figured If I could get everyone in the office or organization present in the same room, receiving the same message people would be more willing to support change that people wanted to make or at least understood why the person was say walking everyday at lunch.
My superpower is my ability to explain complicated topics about well-being in a simple way with energy and passion. After a decade of being a teacher trainer and speaking at events, I’ve realized it never feels like work. learning stuff around well-being and teaching it to others feels like a fun hobby to me and I am a natural presenter, its never felt difficult (Apologies for the lack of humility here :)
I help companies reduce absenteeism, presenteeism. Reduce insurance premiums. Help companies attract and retain the best talent. Engagement is a buzz word so I help improve engagement. I improve senior teams' physical and mental well-being first to ensure they can lead and manage the rest
I am able to engage people with my content. I understand the physical and mental aspects of wellbeing. My USP is my broad experience and qualifications. I am able to stand in front of large groups and present and discuss on a huge range of topics. I am constantly reading and learning and the Podcast is an example of this. I love to discuss this stuff. Its what I spend most of my time thinking about. I have a genuine desire to help.

I experienced firsthand burnout and how a lack of support within an organization can impact mental health. I left the advertising agency I worked for to face one of the most challenging periods of my life in terms of a battle with my own mental health.